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Destructive Impacts of Water Pollution on our lives?

Destructive Impacts of Water Pollution on our lives?

Water is the most precious thing in this world because every living thing depends on it. 75% of the human body and 90% of our blood composed of water. Our planet consists of 70% of water. Now, in the age of science, urbanization, and industrialization our natural and mandatory resources being destroyed. There are some pollutants which cause water pollution.

Agricultural chemicals 

As agriculture is necessary for human beings because it provides food, which is mandatory for all living things. Nowadays, we use various types of chemicals like Fertilizers and Pesticides to increase the yield of crops in a result we have to face a lot of problems in the shape of water pollution which most of us don't know. However, if we look at the past people would not use these types of chemical to increase their crops. Fertilizers, manure, and pesticides are used in a large amount on a daily basis and these toxic chemicals reach into the lakes, rivers, and seas by rain. Now, this polluted water of rivers, lakes, and seas create diseases like Typhoid, cholera, hepatitis A and E, polio, dysentery which harm human beings as well as other living beings.

Plastic bags

Filtered water's bottles, drinking straws, disposable food container, and shopping bags are the single-use-plastics which everyone uses on a daily basis. We use these plastic things and throw carelessly where we want but we don't know these can harm us. Now, these pollutants go into the water by rain or air and destroy marine life and ecosystems. This type of plastics is non-biodegradable and cannot be recycled so that we can use again. It also takes years to decompose. 

Fragile Sewage System

There are two types of Sewage

  • Treated sewage
  • Untreated sewage

Lack of adequate sewage system causes water pollution. Most of the country does not have a sanitation system. About 1.8 billion people live without a sewage system in Asia only. Due to lack of sanitation plant untreated wastewater goes into the lakes, rivers, and Seas and contaminates the water, which we use for various purposes.

Dumping waste

Dumping waste on the bank or into the river and lakes is a big source of water pollution. Most of the factories in developing or underdeveloped countries due to the lack of laws and awareness dump the waste into the water which harms human beings as well as other living things. Dumped human's waste also contaminates the water.

Soil Erosion

Heavy rain is the main cause of soil erosion. Substances which are essential for the fertility of the land go in the lakes, rivers, and seas and makes the light difficult to penetrate into the water and stop the photosynthesis process which necessary for the aquatic's life. Because of soil erosion, lands become infertile.

Measures to prevent Water Pollution

  • Use of chemicals in agriculture should be reduced and adopt the natural ways of irrigation like manure.
  • There should be an adequate system of sewage and it should be necessary for every country to take action against weak sanitation system.
  • There should be a law for every country to store garbage in a proper place instead of dumping into water.
  • Single-use-plastic should be banned worldwide because it is the main source of water pollution and it's more toxic than any other pollutants
  • There should be proper check and balance in every country under the United Nations


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